Guide for Author


Detailed Guide for Authors – International Journal of Physical Therapy Research & Practice

I. Manuscript Submission Process

1. Submission Requirements

Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal's official online submission system. Ensure all files (manuscript, figures, tables, supplementary materials) are submitted in appropriate formats, such as Word (.docx) for the manuscript and high-resolution TIFF/JPEG for images.

  • Presubmission Inquiries: If unsure about the suitability of your manuscript, authors may submit a presubmission inquiry that includes the title, abstract, and rationale for submission.
  • Authorship Contributions: Each submission must include a statement outlining the contributions of each author according to the ICMJE criteria for authorship.
  • ORCID IDs: All authors are required to provide their ORCID IDs for proper identification and transparency.
  • Data Availability: A comprehensive data availability statement is required, specifying conditions under which data will be shared.

2. Submission Checklist

Before submitting, ensure the following items are included:

  1. Title Page
  2. Structured Abstract (with keywords)
  3. Main Text
  4. Figures and Tables (in appropriate formats)
  5. Ethical Approval Statement
  6. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  7. Data Sharing Statement
  8. Supplementary Material (if applicable)
  9. Funding Acknowledgement
  10. Authorship Declaration

3. Language Requirements

Manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English. Authors who are non-native English speakers are encouraged to have their manuscript edited by a language professional before submission to avoid delays in the review process.

II. Manuscript Structure and Preparation

1. Title Page

  • Title: Should be specific and accurately reflect the content of the article. Avoid abbreviations, and ensure the title is no longer than 150 characters.
  • Author Information: Provide full names, affiliations, highest academic degrees, and email addresses of all authors. Specify the corresponding author with complete contact details.
  • Funding: Clearly list all sources of financial support for the research, including grants, equipment, and other resources that facilitated the study.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Word Count: Provide the word count for the main text and abstract.
  • Figures and Tables: List the number of figures and tables included in the manuscript.

2. Abstract

  • Structured Abstract: A structured abstract is required, with a maximum of 250 words. It should include the following sections:
    • Objective: State the primary purpose of the study.
    • Methods: Briefly describe the study design, participants, interventions, and primary outcomes.
    • Results: Summarize key findings, including statistical and clinical significance.
    • Conclusions: Provide a concise statement of the study's main conclusions.
  • Keywords: Include 4-6 relevant keywords to facilitate indexing.

3. Main Text

The main text should follow the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion):

  • Introduction: Provide context and background for the research. Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
  • Methods:
    • Describe the study design, participants, interventions, outcome measures, and statistical analyses in sufficient detail to allow for replication.
    • Include a statement on ethical approval from the appropriate review board.
  • Results: Present the results clearly and logically using text, tables, and figures. Avoid duplicating information across text and tables/figures.
  • Discussion: Interpret the findings in relation to existing research, highlight the public health implications, and address limitations.
  • Conclusion: Provide a concise summary of the study’s findings and their relevance to clinical practice or research.

4. Tables and Figures

Follow these guidelines for tables and figures:

  • Tables: Must be clear, self-explanatory, and numbered consecutively. Provide a concise title for each table and explain all abbreviations in footnotes.
  • Figures: Submit high-resolution figures. Number figures in the order they appear in the text and provide a detailed caption for each figure.

5. References

  • Style: Use Vancouver style for references, and number them consecutively in the order in which they appear in the text.
  • Quality: Only cite peer-reviewed, high-quality sources. Avoid citing predatory journals or non-peer-reviewed preprints.
  • Example Format: Author(s). Title of article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Issue):Pages. DOI.
  • Ensure all references are properly formatted and verified for accuracy.

III. Ethical and Legal Considerations

1. Ethical Approval

All studies involving human participants must have been approved by an institutional review board (IRB) or equivalent ethics committee. Include an ethical approval statement with the reference number in the manuscript.

2. Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be perceived as influencing the research. Use the ICMJE form for conflict of interest disclosure.

3. Data Availability

Provide a data availability statement, specifying whether individual participant data (IPD) will be available and under what conditions data can be accessed.

IV. Reporting Guidelines

Adherence to reporting guidelines is essential for transparency and rigor in research. The following guidelines should be followed, depending on the type of study:

  • CONSORT for randomized controlled trials
  • STROBE for observational studies
  • PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • STARD for diagnostic studies
  • SAGER for sex and gender reporting

Checklists for these guidelines should be submitted alongside the manuscript if applicable.

V. Peer Review and Editorial Process

1. Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Authors can expect an initial decision within 4-6 weeks. Manuscripts requiring revision will receive detailed feedback from reviewers, and authors will be given 2-3 weeks to make necessary changes.

2. Editorial Decision

The final decision on whether a manuscript will be accepted, rejected, or revised further lies with the editorial board. Feedback will be provided for rejected manuscripts to encourage improvement.

VI. Post-Acceptance

1. Proofs

Once a manuscript is accepted, the corresponding author will receive proofs for final approval. This is the last opportunity to make any minor corrections. Only typographical errors and minor changes will be allowed.

2. Early Online Publication

Once the final proofs are approved, the manuscript will be published online ahead of print. Authors will be notified when the article is available.

3. Open Access

Authors may choose to publish their article under an open-access license for a fee, ensuring free access to the public.

VII. Copyright and Permissions

Upon acceptance, the copyright of the article will be transferred to the International Journal of Physical Therapy Research & Practice. Authors may apply for specific reuse rights as needed. If previously published materials (figures, tables, or text) are included, authors must obtain permission and include appropriate acknowledgments.

© 2024 International Journal of Physical Therapy Research & Practice. All rights reserved.