Exploring Patient Perspectives and Experiences in Physical Therapy and Treatment Choices for Knee Osteoarthritis in Saudi Arabia: A Qualitative Study
knee osteoarthritis, physical therapy, experience, awareness, perceptionAbstract
Background: Knee osteoarthritis is a prevalent condition, particularly among older adults, characterized by chronic pain, reduced mobility, and significant impacts on quality of life. While treatments such as physical therapy and surgery exist, patient perceptions and understanding of these options play a critical role in treatment decisions and outcomes. However, there is limited research exploring how patient insights and opinions shape their choices, particularly concerning physical therapy. This study aimed to explore the patient perspectives and experiences in physical therapy and treatment choices for knee osteoarthritis. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Arabic with 33 participants diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, comprising 18 males and 15 females, with a mean age of 53 years (SD = 5.67). The interviews were based on a pre-prepared schedule developed specifically for this study. Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis was applied to identify themes capturing participants' experiences and perspectives on treatment options and challenges. Results: Participants reported that knee pain prompted them to seek treatment, with physical therapy being chosen more frequently than surgical interventions. Awareness of physical therapy's benefits varied; some felt well-informed and supported by healthcare providers, while others encountered misinformation and emotional resistance. Family and community support systems were helpful, but a lack of education on management options caused confusion and frustration. Conclusion: To optimize the treatment outcomes of knee osteoarthritis, it is essential to address patients' emotional, psychological, and educational needs. Coupled with the benefits of physical therapy, such as pain relief and improved mobility, this holistic approach can enhance treatment adherence and significantly improve patients’ quality of life. Healthcare providers should prioritize patient education, emotional support, and tailored interventions to ensure a comprehensive and patient-centered care experience.
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