Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Death (SSCD): Insights into Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Preventive Strategies


  • M. M. AlRayes 1. Department of Physiotherapy, College of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain, 2. Department of Physiotherapy, Sh. Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah Health Center, Barbar, Bahrain
  • M. A. Husain Department of Physiotherapy, College of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Bahrain, Manama, Bahrain



Sports-Related Sudden cardiac death (SSCD), exercise, screening, risk factor, prevention.


Sports-Related Sudden cardiac death (SSCD) is a tragic and emotionally impacting event generating considerable attention in the community and media. It is a leading cause of mortality in the athletic population. Although rare, it causes a shock as those athletes are health models for the sports spectators. The current focused review aims to highlight the latest evidence regarding this important topic and provide a baseline introduction to future related research. The literature review was done through scientific search engines (Scopus, google scholar, Science Direct, Research gate, and PubMed). The inclusion criteria covered the full access English language Sources published between 2002 till 2022. The current review describes the main issues related to the SSCD such as the definition, epidemiology, etiology, risk factors, warning signs and symptoms, role of screening, prevention and management, COVID-19 and SSCD, and future directions. This review highlights key insights into Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Death (SSCD) and provides a foundation for future research to improve understanding and prevention.


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How to Cite

AlRayes, M. M., & Husain, M. A. (2024). Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Death (SSCD): Insights into Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Preventive Strategies. International Journal of Physical Therapy Research &Amp; Practice, 3(8), 340–352.

