Assessing and Comparing Musculoskeletal Knowledge and Red Flag Identification Skills: A Cross-Sectional Study of Physical Therapists and Primary Care Physicians
Musculoskeletal knowledge, red flags, physical therapists, primary care physicians, Saudi Arabia.Abstract
Background: Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the most common health issues often managed at the level of primary health care. Enabling physical therapists to be first-contact practitioner for patients with musculoskeletal disorders could improve patient access, expedite management, enhance outcomes and reduce costs. However, this role requires a high level of musculoskeletal knowledge and the ability to detect red flags. Objectives: To assess and compare the musculoskeletal knowledge and abilities to identify red flags between physical therapists and primary care physicians (PCPs). Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken using an electronic survey assessed participants’ musculoskeletal knowledge and ability to identify red flags. Study participants included physical therapist and PCPs practicing at Ministry of Health hospitals and/or primary care centers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Results: A total of 60 physical therapists and 76 PCPs participated. Good knowledge levels (total score ≥ 75%) were found for 7% of physical therapists compared to 18% of PCPs, and moderate knowledge levels (total score 60-75%) were found in 70% of physical therapists compared to 62% of PCP participants (P=.003). Conclusion: Physical therapists and PCPs demonstrated an overall moderate level of musculoskeletal knowledge and the ability to identify red flags. The results suggest that with further education on red flags identification, physical therapists in Saudi Arabia could potentially act as first-contact practitioners for patients with musculoskeletal conditions.
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