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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

I. Manuscript Submission Process

1. Submission Requirements

Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system. All necessary files (manuscript, cover letter, figures, tables, supplementary materials) must be uploaded in appropriate formats (Word for the manuscript and figures in TIFF/JPEG for high resolution).

  • Presubmission Inquiries: Authors can submit a presubmission inquiry to the editor if uncertain about the suitability of their manuscript. The inquiry should include a title, abstract, and rationale for submission to the Journal of TAZEEZ in Public Health.
  • Authorship Contributions: Each submission must include a statement detailing each author's contributions based on the ICMJE authorship criteria.
  • ORCID IDs: All authors are required to register with ORCID and provide their ORCID IDs.
  • Data Availability: A comprehensive data availability statement is required for all research articles, specifying data sharing conditions.

2. Submission Checklist

Ensure the following are included before submitting your manuscript:

  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract (with keywords)
  • Main Text
  • Figures and Tables (in appropriate formats)
  • Ethical Approval Statement
  • Conflict of Interest Disclosure
  • Data Sharing Statement
  • Supplementary Material (if applicable)
  • Funding Acknowledgement
  • Authorship Declaration

4. Plegiarism

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. To verify originality, your article may be checked by the originality detection service Crossref Similarity Check.

5. Types of manuscript considered

The types of papers that may be considered for inclusion are:

  • Original research: Including evaluations of public health interventions or programmes, and public health practice original work on audit, workforce or resource development
  • Review article: Which include meta-analysis and systematic review
  • Short communications

6. Contributors

Each author is required to declare his or her individual contribution to the article: all authors must have materially participated in the research and/or article preparation, so roles for all authors should be described. The statement that all authors have approved the final article should be true and included in the disclosure.

7. How to submit your manuscript

All manuscripts should be submitted online at by clicking on the Submissions link. Authors will first need to register their details and can then submit their paper. Any author unable to submit online should contact the Editorial Office at

8. Language Requirements

Journal of TAZEEZ in Public Health requires manuscripts submitted to meet international English language standards to be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be written in English and must be clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors. Non-native English speakers are encouraged to use language editing services before submission.

For authors who would like their manuscript to receive language editing or proofreading to improve the clarity of the manuscript and help highlight their research, we recommend the language-editing services provided by the following external partners.

9. Language editing

Note that sending your manuscript for language editing does not imply or guarantee that it will be accepted for publication by a Frontiers journal. Editorial decisions on the scientific content of a manuscript are independent of whether it has received language editing or proofreading by these partner services or other services.

10. Abbreviations

The use of abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Non-standard abbreviations should be avoided unless they appear at least four times, and must be defined upon first use in the main text. Consider also giving a list of non-standard abbreviations at the end, immediately before the acknowledgments.

9. Funding source

You are requested to identify who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article and to briefly describe the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication. If the funding source(s) had no such involvement, it is recommended to state this..

II. Manuscript Structure and Preparation

1. Title Page

  • Title: Should be specific and informative, containing the key focus of the study. Avoid abbreviations and keep the title within 150 characters.
  • Short Title: Provide a short title of no more than 40 characters for use in headers.
  • Author Information: Include full names, academic degrees, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors.
  • Corresponding Author: Clearly indicate the corresponding author with contact details.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Declare any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Funding Sources: Declare all sources of funding for the research.
  • Word Count: State the total word count for the main text and abstract.
  • Figures and Tables: List the number of figures and tables included in the submission.

2. Abstract

  • Word Limit: The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  • Structured Format: The abstract must include the following sections: Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Keywords: Include 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes.

3. Main Text

The main text should follow the IMRAD structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion):

  • Introduction: Provide the background of the public health issue and state the research objective or hypothesis.
  • Methods: Describe the study design, participants, interventions, and outcomes. Include an ethical approval statement.
  • Results: Present results in a logical sequence using text, tables, and figures.
  • Discussion: Interpret the findings in the context of existing research, address limitations, and suggest future research directions.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their relevance to public health practice.

4. Tables and Figures

Follow these guidelines for tables and figures:

  • Tables: Should be self-explanatory with a concise title. Use footnotes for abbreviations.
  • Figures: Submit high-resolution figures with clear legends. Number figures consecutively and provide detailed captions.

5. References

  • Style: Use Vancouver style and number references consecutively in the text.
  • Reference Quality: Cite peer-reviewed articles and high-quality sources only.
  • Retraction Check: Ensure no retracted publications are cited.
  • Formatting: Example: Author(s). Title of the article. Journal Name Year;Volume(Issue):Pages. DOI.

III. Ethical and Legal Considerations

1. Ethical Approval

All research involving human participants must have ethical approval. Include a statement indicating ethical approval and the reference number in the manuscript.

2. Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose any conflicts of interest using the ICMJE form. Upload the form as part of the submission process.

3. Data Availability

Provide a data availability statement following the ICMJE guidelines. Specify whether individual participant data (IPD) will be available and under what conditions.

IV. Reporting Guidelines

Authors must adhere to appropriate reporting guidelines based on study type:

  • CONSORT for randomized controlled trials
  • STROBE for observational studies
  • PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
  • STARD for diagnostic studies
  • SAGER for sex and gender reporting

Checklists for these guidelines should be submitted alongside the manuscript if applicable.

V. Peer Review and Editorial Process

1. Peer Review

Manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Expect an initial decision within 4-6 weeks. Authors may be asked to revise based on reviewer feedback, and revisions must be completed within 2 weeks.

2. Editorial Decision

The editorial board will make the final decision on acceptance, rejection, or further revisions. Rejected manuscripts will receive constructive feedback.

VI. Post-Acceptance

1. Proofs

Authors will receive a proof for review before publication. This is the final opportunity to make necessary corrections. Only typographical errors or minor changes will be allowed at this stage.

2. Early Online Publication

Articles will be published online ahead of print as soon as the final proofs are approved. Authors will be notified once the article is available online.

3. Open Access

Authors can opt for open access publishing for a fee, making the article freely available to the public.

VII. Copyright and Permissions

Upon acceptance, the copyright of the article is transferred to the Journal of TAZEEZ in Public Health. Authors may apply for specific reuse rights. Authors must obtain permission for any previously published material included in the manuscript.

© 2024 Journal of TAZEEZ in Public Health. All rights reserved.

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